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Send Offers to Likers Automatically or Manually in Bulk
Send Offers to Likers Automatically or Manually in Bulk

Learn how to send offers to interested buyers manually in bulk or how to program automatic custom offers to be sent from Vendoo!

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Written by Ale
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Send Offers to Likers in Bulk – Auto & Manual Guide

Vendoo’s Send Offers Features lets you send offers to likers on multiple marketplaces from a centralized dashboard. With Vendoo, you can set up automated offers or send them manually in bulk! 🔥

This feature is available for all marketplaces that allow sellers to send offers including: Poshmark, eBay, Depop, Mercari, Grailed, and Vestiaire Collective!

👀 Did you know that most sales on all marketplaces come from seller-initiated offers?

How to use Vendoo’s Send Offer Feature

With Vendoo, you can effortlessly send custom offers on Poshmark, eBay, Mercari, Depop, Grailed, and Vestiaire Collective. You can program automatic offers or send them manually in bulk for greater flexibility and convenience.

Here is the step-by-step on sending bulk offers in manual mode and program automatic offers to be sent with Vendoo.

Send Offers (Manual Mode)

Here is how to send offers to recent likers and watchers in bulk:

  1. Click the “Send Offers” icon on the Inventory Screen to take you to your Offers Dashboard.

2. In the Send Offers Dashboard, select the marketplace where you want to send offers.

Here, you'll find items that have recently become eligible for sending offers—meaning they've been recently "liked," "watched," or added to a shopping cart.

3. Send customized offers individually or in bulk.

You can customize your offers based on the marketplace and even set your preferences as a default.

You can select all listings to send offers in bulk, or individually select listings to send unique offers.

4. Send offers in seconds with Vendoo!

Your offers will be sent based on your preferences.

You will see the status of the offers in the pop-up menu:

✅ A green checkmark indicates that the offer was sent!

⛔️ If an offer cannot be sent, an error sign will appear. Hover over the error message to learn more.

Note: Each marketplace has its own rules regarding the types of offers you can send and the minimum required discount. Scroll down to learn more about how sending offers works for each marketplace.

5. Check back and refresh the page to see newly eligible items appear for sending offers!

💡 Tip: You can also automate offers with Vendoo so that they are automatically sent on eligible listings!

Mange Auto Offers (Automatic Mode)

With the Auto Offers feature, you can set custom rules for your offers, and Vendoo will automatically send them when buyers "like" or "watch" your items.

Here’s how to program Vendoo to automatically send custom offers on Poshmark, eBay, Mercari, Depop, Grailed, and Vestiaire Collective.

💡 Tip: For offers to be sent automatically, your computer must be on, awake (not in sleep mode), with Vendoo open, and your marketplaces connected.

  1. Select “Auto Offers Manager” in your settings.

In the Auto Offers Manager, you can set up custom rules and preferences for your offers. Once programmed, Vendoo will automatically send them for you.

2. Establish your custom rules and preferences for offers.

For each marketplace, you can create unique rules to automatically send offers. Here are some customizations:

Create Price Rules

With Vendoo, you can customize your offers according to the listed price, allowing you to send different offers on various items depending on their price.

To create custom price rules, enter your price range and the desired discount percentage.

For example, in the image above:

  • For items priced under $50, Vendoo will send offers with a 10% discount.

  • For items priced between $50-$99, Vendoo will send offers with a 15% discount.

  • For items priced over $100, Vendoo will send offers with a 20% discount.

You can create as many custom pricing rules as you need to tailor offers for different price ranges.

Create Exclusions Rules

After creating custom rules, you can also set exclusions to omit items based on their age, category, or even specific listings.

This allows you to send bulk offers while protecting your profit on unique or higher-value items.

Exclude Items by Condition

If you don’t want auto offers sent for NWT (new with tags) items, just check this box.

Exclude Items by Category

If you don’t want auto offers sent for specific item categories, you can select and exclude them from this drop-down menu.

Exclude Items by Recency

If you don’t want auto offers sent for brand-new listings, enter the time in hours in this field to exclude items based on how recently they were listed.

Exclude Specific Items

If you don’t want auto offers sent on specific items, enter the title or SKU here to find and exclude them from auto offers.

Excluded items will appear in a list below the search bar.

You can select as many items as you would like to exclude from auto offers.

💡 Tip: Vendoo incorporates unique customization features tailored to each marketplace. For example, you can add a personalized message with your eBay offers or include a shipping discount with your Poshmark offers.

3. Once you have perfected your offer settings, you can save them or click "Save and Copy" to copy the rules to another marketplace.

4. Switch the “Active” toggle to on to automate your offers!

Note: For offers to be sent automatically, your computer must be on, awake (not in sleep mode), with Vendoo open, and your marketplaces connected.

Set it and forget it! 👏🏽 Once you've activated automatic offers, Vendoo will automatically send them as items are “liked” or “watched.” Get ready for those sales to roll in!

The Offers Activity Log

The activity log provides a detailed record of all offers sent through Vendoo—whether manually by you or automated with Vendoo, following your customized settings.

Access your activity log in the Auto Offers Manager.

You can filter your Activity Log by marketplace, too!

The Send Offers feature is a game-changer! You can send offers manually or set up automatic offers with ease. This powerful tool saves you time and boosts your sales! 🤑

The Send Offers feature is in BETA, meaning it’s still being refined and enhanced. We’d love to hear your feedback—please share it with our customer service team!

Vendoo’s Send Offer Feature will positively save you time and increase your sales! 🚀

Sneak Peak: Sending Offers on the Vendoo Mobile App!

Sending Bulk offers is now in BETA testing on the Vendoo mobile app. It will be available to all users soon. Here's how it works 👀

Sending Offers FAQ

Is the Send Offers feature included in my Vendoo subscription?

The Send Offers feature is currently free for a limited time during its BETA phase. Starting in 2025, it will likely be offered as a paid feature on monthly plans, but included for free in yearly subscriptions.

How do I send offers to likers with Vendoo?

You can send manual bulk offers to interested buyers or schedule automatic offers to be sent by Vendoo. To send bulk manual offers, click the “Offers” icon on the inventory screen. To program automatic offers, visit your account settings.

Can I send offers from the mobile app?

Bulk offers on Poshmark, eBay, Depop, and Mercari is coming soon to the Vendoo mobile app. However, the automated offers is a desktop website-only feature.

How do I automate offers to likers with Vendoo?

Go to your account settings to set up Vendoo to automatically send offers to new likers and watchers. You can create custom rules for your offers, including discount percentages, and tailor them based on item age, category, and condition. You can also set exclusions to exclude specific items. Once your preferences are entered, you can activate automatic offers and Vendoo will send them automatically.

Does my computer need to be on for Vendoo to automatically send offers?

Yes. For offers to be sent automatically, your computer must be on, awake (not in sleep mode), with Vendoo open, and your marketplaces connected.

Can I exclude items from offers?

Yes, you can exclude items by Title or SKU on the Auto Offers Manager screen in Account Settings.

Can I exclude a marketplace from automatic offers?

Yes, you can configure and activate automatic offers to likers on the specific marketplaces of your choice.

On which marketplaces can I send offers with Vendoo?

The Send Offers feature is currently available in BETA for Poshmark, eBay, Mercari, and Depop.

How do offers work on Poshmark?

On Poshmark, offers to likers must be at least 10% below the current listing price or any former offer received by the same liker within 90 days. You can send different offers to different likers on the same item.

How do offers work on Mercari?

On Mercari, offers to buyers must be at least 10% off your listing price. Also, each offer you make on an item must be at least 10% higher than the previous one (even for new buyers). Additionally, you can only send an offer on the same item once every 3 days. This means that each time you send an offer on an item, it has to be 10% below the former offer, regardless of which liker(s) it is sent to.

How do offers work on eBay?

On eBay, you can send offers on fixed-price listings only. Your offer must be at least between 2% and 5% lower than the listed price. You can only send one offer per watcher and send a message to accompany your offer.

Do my eBay offers sent with Vendoo allow counter-offers?

On eBay, when you send offers to watchers, you can opt to allow counter-offers. Unfortunately this option is not yet available in Vendoo.

How do offers work on Depop?

On Depop, you can send offers to recent shoppers who have liked your item. Depop recommends sending offers of at least 15% off your listing price. You can repeatedly send the same percentage offers to both existing and new likers.

How do offers work on Grailed?

On Grailed, you can send offers to recent shoppers who have favorited your item. Offers must include a discount of at least 10% off the current price of the item. If you've sent the buyer an offer before, your new offer needs to be at least 10% lower than the previous offer sent. Sellers can send out up to 2 offers per listings, and can only send out an offer on a listing every 24 hours. To ensure buyers aren't receiving too many offers, sellers can send only 10 offers per day.

How do offers work on Vestiaire Collective?

On Vestiaire, to send offers you must have enabled the "Make an Offer" feature on your listings. Then, if a buyer favorites your item, you can extend an offer. You can only send one offer to a specific shopper.

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